Sharpova Is The Beast!
Igor Dimitrov, the would be king, aka “Baby Federer”, is the
“beauty” in this story ( It is a made-up
story, based on the private and public msm reputation of these darlings
of tennis. A story which is both dark and yet full of bright sensation and scandal! She was seduced by the dark side of sport - this picture shows her "Beast":
She, a sexy symbol of womens' world tennis, had been drug-tested and then later she herself volunteered to reveal
that she was tested-positive as yet another drug-cheat in sport - namely Maria S. A boring cheat story in sport politic etc, this
time encompassed in a puritan playboy world of tennis. Among other corruption
revelations in sport rigging and gambling. Another story or
famous incident is that of Lance Armstrong in cycling with a film
made about it – "The Program". A public release of which is in legal-wrangle stages or just withheld vor whatever reasons!
![]() |
Is Maria S. Heavenly or "A Millionnaire Russina Mug" (Source: AlArabiya_Eng) |
is Sharpova’s media manger or management group – because she and the sport, at first glance, seem to have come out of the wash
clean. Congratulations and commiseration to them all! Their role in
altering the truth into a public-perceived story with only a few
knowing the secret, entitles these protagonists a ®NSWF:Reputation
Degree (i.e. “NoSmokeWithoutFire: Of Reputation”). Watch This Space.
to the story: He “The Beauty” Dimitrov apparently dumped
“Sharapova” before the doping ban – they were reportedly
romantic lovers on the tennis circuit! The Michael Jackson and
Priscila Presley of their day, perhaps (Posh and Beckham were not
comparative in sport, as they both are still alive and reportedly
happy – but they are similarly media-PR-constructs or
ages respectively is... is blah blah!
But this is a cyberworld where our constructs are more accessible than mainstream media version of stories ("Think Global Act Local"); so here's our fanciful friend of tennisland @dhantuchova a.k.a. Daniela Hantuchova, soon to visit SW19, and more gratefully gratification in heavenly SW12. Wow - That was a reach-out on a local level to Dani!