Your LineBall Tennis author of this article Krishna is also on Clapham Common Management Advisory, a community organisation liasing with the :Local Authoeity / Council. As well as being an independant tennis coach at public-courts of Clapham Common managed by Lambeth Council.
Commercial Exploitation of Clpaham Common tennis court and reknown poor Lambeth Council managment have contributed to lawless wild-west at the flagship tennis courts of Lambeth Borough Council. Lawless from tennis-coaches presence in uncontrolled numbers and squeezing out availability of tennis courts for public-use.Krishna has a bee-in-his-bonnet about this personally, because he was threatened with joining an inception tennis-license scheme that was designed for the opposite of Wild West Clapham Common Tennis-Courts. Lawless wild-west is the reality on the ground now and in the past with protagonist Julian Cousins presiding and Jane Palmer of Lambeth Council - court-booking management facilitator, initially as GLL/Better then Council, being the enduring personnel.
This over-commercialisation via unauthorised tennis-coaching results in operating status often breaching Council-set rules for preventing excessive tennis-coaching on municipal tennis-court. The Council are allowing excess coaches or having courts used most of the time especially off-peak time. Yet the unforseen / "unwitting" consequence of staff no loner present at said-prmises since blah-blah of Covid19 era 2020 means, the off-peak coaches are not paying to use the courts! So no net benefit for Lambeth taxpayers - haha! Hence Krishna averred about poor managment of flagship tennis-court bordering Wandsworth and Lambeth Borough districts, which is also incidentally a Lawn Tennis Association affililiated venue; so their jurisdiction of managament also quesytionable.The reputationally poor managment once agin can be considered hy comparing how neighbouring Wandswort'hs Battersea Park tennis-courts are managed, as my team-mate coach / colleague James hinted.
The status-quo has been been fostered through years of shenanigans of mentioned personnel in conjunction with here-now-gone-tomorrow Lambeth Council parks & leisure management. That offered in Krishna'shumble opinion as relatively new operator tennis-coach but resident 2-minutes from said tennis-court for most of the time since Queen's Silver Jubille in 1977! Mentioned that as next month a new King Charles will be coronated. Long live the NEW King!
On a final note Krishna has often written and based reasoning arguments to Council managment, but they seem to be falling on deaf-ears; or at least not the biggest priority in post-Covid and climate-emergency times. As a CCMAC representative, i did have the ear of the Director of Parks and Leisure at Lambeth Council for sip in the bar, and he suggested tennis-license would be a priority again. Jokingly or not, i am amazed at what passes for order in a rules based method of civil-service viz. alll the political scamps in Parliament, as a model. Krishna now ith his activist hat on too!
Thank you for reading this publicizing piece of subvert operation at Clapham Common making life miserable for this independant operator.