Updated 12-Jan-2022: Stop Press! Unstated in mainstream news (msm) media and even underplayed by Novack Djokovic press releases is that fact that THIS YEAR 2022 is potentially the best chance of capturing the elusive calendar grand slam of the four "majors" tennis tournaments: Australian, French, Wimbledon and US Open. Having missed the feat in 2021 by one final match in New York at the US Open. This is year is make or break on that dream ,since he has brokend most tennis-playing records already. By losing that championship grandslam match to Daniil Medvedev in August 2021, he preserved Australia's living-legend legacy of the only man in open-era professional tennis to win all four majors in one year. That legend is Rod Laver winning the grandslam in 1969.
So we at Lineball Tennis - Clapham Common, reading between the lines says that politics is now interferring with sports and Novak's ambitions and tennis legacy to become a GOAT - Great Of All Time.
Some will say Novack has been a political influencer being one of only 3 male tennis players in the top100 NOT to be vaccinated; according to statement by the mens-tennis governing body Association of Tennis Players - ATP.
At time of writing the Australian Government's immigration minister Alex Hawke is said to be considering whether to rescind Monday's judiciary re-reinvoked valid visa. We don't believe this high-profile issue of vaccine-passport and sporting-legacy can be kicked into the long-grass of public's fading memory.
Should or will Novack play in the Australian Open starting 17th January considering all the circumstances? Not least because if he plays he keeps the grandslam dream alive while potentially scuppering Australia's 1969 legacy to tennis.
Watch this space.
World tennis is not SO stunned! as much as the purveyors of the covid19 narrative, about Novak Djokovic's detention at an immigration centre in Australia in January New Year 2022.
Novak by Twitter credit @KatMadr1d
The fact that a close Greatest Of All Time (GOAT) tennis player, and current men's world number 1, was refused entry to Australia for being unvaccinated against covid19, and then being told his medical-exemption is not valid, has huge ramifications going forward.
The first and foremost ramification we at LineBall Tennis assert is the biosecurity-passport creep. Novak, a Serbian national, being held-up in an immigration detention centre - NOT BECAUSE OF NATIONALITY, while awaiting some nature of appeal for entry-visa into Australia.
Ths is extreme high-profile publicity on the question of vaccine-mandate. The appeal decision is to come tomorrow, 10th January Monday. LineBall Tennis as sideline activists who are also indignant about Julian Assange imprisonment, as a beacon of journalism fit for 21st century.
A debate and protest about public compulsion to take vaccine, which has been raging like a wildfire, at least visibly on Twitter social-media; if not on main-stream-media (msm) news channels. Which are dissembling in concert singularly coercing the public to be vaccinated; and now even to get "boosted" against other variants of SARS-COV-2.
In comes Novak to join the debate. Unreservedly not via a forum or mass debating society, but by practical action of getting on an aeroplane bound for Australia to defend his Australian Open tennis-champion title, and point to maintain world number one status (without vaccination presumably or proving he was covid-negative). His use of medical exemption somewhat implies Novak is unvaccinated perhaps - but that's wholly his business. Now do you see our concern about rollout of biosecurity statecraft.
His body his choice about being vaccinated is the principle in law and medicine that has been tested many times in history, without sucess from authorities, and maintaining individual bodily freedom. The principle never became "my body, their choice"! But this pandemic is insidiously dangerous - not the disease as much the cure process prescribed. If you would like to read about this ultimate liberty when all other freedoms are being dismantled, here are 4 url links:
Pacific Railway Co. v. Botsford, 141 U.S. 250 (1891)
v. Society of New York Hospital (1914)
v. Massachussetts.
Vaccination: The Tragic Legacy of Jacobson v Massachusetts by Barbara
Loe Fisher
Jacobson v Massachusetts is “one
of the most important pieces of public health jurisprudence”
Back to Novak's case away from the principle-cases in law. Not one to be perturbed by immense challenges - or you don't nearly win the calendar-year grand-slam. As Novak nearly did in 2021 - hence close-GOAT! (excepting for a pesky Russian who defeated in the final match of the last grandslam of year at the US Open). Only one other tennis player in the professional era has achieved the calendar-year grand slam feat in 1969, the great living-legend that is Rod Laver.
The Novak-challenge here was to see if there are loopholes for a world number one tennis player, as there are for billionnaire tax-evaders. Because lets face it the whol pandemic, restrictions and rules have had more holes than a Swiss cheese. And as we know from this article here, Novak is not shy of courting controversy or playing devil's advocate.
Novak's medical exemption was that he had had covid19 in the last 6 months, and was therefore sufficiently naturally immunised and healthy to play in a major international elite tennis tournament. But as we know first-hand, the would-be authorities of covid19 science and rule-makers in politics couldn't make rules straight forward for an ambiguous pandemic - which some hailed as "scamdemic".
So tomorrow, even if Australia border-control gives Novak permission to enter the country, i.e. accepting his medical exemption, and allows him to compete in the Australian Tennis championships: LineBall Tennis believes he should politelly decline or give an Agincourt salute two-fingers!, as there is more than tennis-championships at stake. And there will be other grand-slam tournaments to win. Unconfirmed reports on Twitter already suggests Roland Garros, the French grand-slam will accept competitors unvaccinated.
As a current empyrean ambassador for our sport, LineBall Tennis unequivicolly support Novak. Using Twitter hashtag #WeStandWithNovak or #WeStandWithDjokovic, we are also distrustful of institutions and authority, which has no wholesome philosophical view, but rather a single oft-repeated message about vaccination mandate. Which we know is tenet of propaganda.
With that message of freedom not fear, we at LineBall Tennis - Clapham Common, including Krishna, James and Mila would like to wish our tennis patrons - you know who you are! - a very happy new year for 2022, and leave you this quote from John Stuart Mill 1806-1973: